1901 The Cocktail Book a Sideboard Manual for Gentlemen

Cholera Cocktaih

Use Bar Glass, ♦jp^ALF a teaspoonful Jamaica ginger; half a pony brandy; half a pony port wine; one and a half ponies cherry brandy, one and a half ponies blackberry brandy. Grate nutmeg, and stir in with spoon. Use no ice.

Chocolate Cocktail.

Use Mixing Glass, ©NE fresh egg; one dash bitters; one portion port wine; one teaspoonful fine sugar. Fill with ice, shake well, and strain into a cocktail glass.

Qder Cocktail.

Use Thin Cider Glass.

© NE lump cut loaf sugar, saturated with Boker's bitters; one lump ice; one small piece lemon peel. Fill with cold cider, stir with spoon, and serve.


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