1901 The Cocktail Book a Sideboard Manual for Gentlemen

Star CocktaiL

Use Alixhtg Glass. '^T'WO dashes gum syrup; three dashes orange bitters ; one-half apple brandy; one-half Italian vermouth. Fill with ice, mix, strain into a cocktail glass, and add small twist of lemon peel.

Thistle Cocfctail.

Use Mixing Glass.

WO dashes Angostura bitters; one- VJ*" third Italian vermouth; two-thirds Scotch whiskey. Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail glass. Add curl of lemon peel.

Trilby Cocfctail.

Use Mixing Glass. '^'HREE dashes orange bitters; three dashes acid phosphate; two-thirds whiskey; one-third Calisaya. Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail glass.


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