1901 The Cocktail Book a Sideboard Manual for Gentlemen

Silver Fizz,

Use Mixing Glass. ©NE tablespoonful sugar; three or four dashes lemon juice; one wine glass Tom gin; white of one egg. Fill glass with ice, shake well, strain into fizz glass, and fill with siphon.

St. Croix R«ni Sour. Use Mixing Glass.

♦fl^ALF tablespoonful sugar; two or three dashes lemon juice; one squirt of seltzer. Dissolve well. One wine glass St. Croix rum. Fill glass with ice, stir well, and strain into sour glass. Orna ment with fruit. Syracuse Cooler. ♦||5 IND of whole lemon, three lumps ice; one portion Medford rum; one bot tle ginger ale.


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