1901 The Complete Buffet Manual or How to Mix Fancy Drinks by J E Sheridan



one quart of Juice add one quart of water, (soft, boiled water is best), add iVi pounds sugar. After it is doue fermenting, bung up tigbt. It will be ready to draw off in 3 months or sooner, but will be a far better wine in a year, if left unmolested until tben.


18 pounds of sweet parsnips. 3 gallons of water.

Boil together soft, press liquor through a sieve, add to each gill 3 pounds loaf sugar; when nearly cold add yeast. Let the wine stand open ten days, stirring from the bottom, several times each day. Then put it in a cask, and keep it full up to the bung with liquor reserved for that purpose, as it works out. RHUBARB WINE. Chop the Rhubarb plant, drain off the juice, and to each quart, add a quart of water and 2 pounds of sugar. Let it ferment, and bottle when clear.


One quart tomato juice. One pound sugar.

Use no yeast, as it will ferment without it. This wine is much thought of in some places, and is easy to make.

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