1901 The Complete Buffet Manual or How to Mix Fancy Drinks by J E Sheridan


POTASS WATER. Is a solution of bicarbonate of potass in distilled water, and aerated with washed carbonic acid gas. SODA WATER. Is a solution of crystallized carbonate of soda, in dis tilled water, aerated with washed carbonic acid gas, upon the purity of which the excellence of this article mainly depends. When employed as an anti-acid, it is highly important to obtain this article pure. SELTZER WATER. Is carbonate of soda, common salt, and carbonate of magnesia. EFFERVESCENT DRAUGHT. Carbonate of potass, eighty grains, pulverized citric acid, seventeen grains. Keep separate. When required for use, add one drop of essence of lemon. Dissolve in separate tumblers, mix and drink while effervescing. SODA-WATER POWDERS. Bicarbonate of soda, thirty grains, in a blue paper; citric acid twenty-four grains, in a white paper. Mix each separately in nearly half a tumbler of water. Pour the acid solution on the soda. Drink Imme diately.

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