1901 The Complete Buffet Manual or How to Mix Fancy Drinks by J E Sheridan



juice. As recipes for artificial cider are advertised and sold at pretty high prices we presume they are wanted. We therefore, append some recipes which will produce at small cost a palatable and innocent imitation of genuine cider, the supply of which is probably too small for the demand in most sections.


100 gallons water. 5 gallons honey. 3 oz. Catechu, powdered.

5 oz. alum. 2 pts. yeast.

Ferment for fifteen days in a warm place (in the sun if possible); add, then, bitter almonds half a pound; cloves half a pound; burned sugar, two pints; whisky, three gallons. If acid should be in excess, correct by adding honey or sugar. If too sweet, add sulphuric acid to suit the taste. Wo should prefer to add cider vinegar for acidulating, when necessary. 1 hogshead good cider. 1 hogshead water. 50 lbs. molasses. lb. alum, dissolved. Brimstone matches to stop fermentation, by burn ing. CHEAP MADE CIDER.


35 gallons water. • Sulphuric acid, enough to make the water pleas antly sour.

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