1901 The Complete Buffet Manual or How to Mix Fancy Drinks by J E Sheridan



HASPBERRY, strawberry, currant or OR ANGE EFFERVESCING DRAUGHTS. Take one quart of the juice,of either of the above fruits, filter It, and boil it into a sjTup, with one pound of powdered loaf or pulverized sugar. To this add one ounce and a half of tartaric acid. When cold put it into a bottle and keep it well corked. When required, fill a half-pint tumbler three-parts full of water, and add two tablespoonfuls of tae syrup. Then stir in briskly a small teaspoonful of carbonate of soda. The color may be improved by adding a small portion of cochineal to the syrup at the time of boiling. Let the powders be very dry. Mix them intimately, And keep them for use in a wide-mouthed bottle closely corked. Put two good-sized teaspoonfuls into a tumbler; pour in half a pint of cold water, stir briskly, and drink off. 2 dashes lime juice. Juice of 1 lemon. glass of water. Powdered sugar to taste. small teaspoonful carbonate of soda. Strain the Juice of the lemon, and add it to the SODA NECTAR. SHERBET. 10 02. carbonate of soda. 8 oz. tartai-ic acid. 3 lbs. loaf sugar, finely powdered. 4 dr. essence of lemon.

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