1901 The Complete Buffet Manual or How to Mix Fancy Drinks by J E Sheridan

World Beautiful Series of Illustrated Cevo- liOndl Books Pieatost roliKlous writers. . . . . iimotiK whom are Djimjinoiid, Sheldon, Milton, Rijskin. Prentiss, Biinyivn, auvcrsrai. A Kenipla, Brooks. Lanpe, Dioki-ns, Gray. MaeLaren. Slenkk-vvici:, Iiii-'rahnm and others. All of the booltsln thisseriesare prlnteii on the bestbook paper;banilsoroel.v Illustrated, with liluminated title page, gilt top,silk book mark. 12ino. E.ach bo.xed separately and bound ill dainty cloth, assorted colors; gold and colored inks. Price, per volume 81.00 Young Folks'Standard Classics, ""ok , „ in this series that is not read every day in the year by lens of thousands of the youth of our laud..'Esop'a Fables,.•\iulernons and Grimm'sFairy Tales, Arabian Nights, Gulliver's Travels, Mother Goose's Rhymes.Robinson Cru.soe,Swiss Family Robinson,Tom Brown's S.-hool D.-vy.sand UncleTom's Cabin. What:v world ofjoyous hap- p.v thoughts crowd the memory of him who has lived among the poets and swcet-singers-who wrote these griiiid books! There are 10 titles and all handsomely illuslriiicrt and printed from new type on extra line paper with burnished gi-een edges, large 12 nioa. cloth. ElegantIndividual Cover la gold and ink designs. Price, per volume 81.25 Mother Goose Favorites , elegantly bonml and embel lished with many Large hanilsouie illnsiratious superior to anv thing before attempted. Beautiful piciured border amund each page, printed in colors. ludividnal <-over designs (new style) Mors. These books contain Mother Goose's Fire- printed in three colo side Stories, Games,Lullabies, Jinsrles, Natural History. Relics, Love, Matrimony,Songs and Riddles. Tales and Proverbs. Six volumes: Eaeb,per volume gl.lX) Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes, Tales anil linoloc New,Large and complete edi'tion, eoiitainiag about JlllglCo* 60C 600 pages of text with over -100 approprlulc iliustra- tions'and Die whole curiehcil willi notes for older re.idois. Printed in two col_ors fi'om new nljites. Sixe 111x12 cover, printc-.i in three lively t" •rolor.s. This la po.si e he only complete edition puulished. Price 51.50 Uncle Tom's Cabin. Bco,.h„s,„.,o. twsi. the greatest American Ciussle,and this edition is one of the haud.soinest ever published, Tiic book includes chapters on "How Henry Ward Beecher Sold Slavesin Plymouth Ghurch", "Life Sketch of Harriet Beecher Stowe", "Story of thcBook","ISinanolpation Pi'Oclaiu.at'.on"with''Key to the Characters", 000large pages,beautifully printed with speeitil cover design in gold and ink. Green edges. Price 81.25 The flenneberry Company Make Qood Books, for their complete »taIogue.


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