1901 The Complete Buffet Manual or How to Mix Fancy Drinks by J E Sheridan

A Boy's LifeatSchoQl. Elizabeth and Her German Garden superbtdiiioQ of this beautiful booK published. Neverbefore busa workcalled foita Huch testlmotiy of sweeiuess, teiHlernoss, freabuess, g«Titleties5, wbolesomeuess. Tbcre are not adjeotive In the lani^uuge sironn cuough ornumcrons enouszb to express the melodious harmony, the Infinite iuimeasurable.boundless beauty ofthissublime effort. It is the sweeteststory ever told; 41 flue eugravlngs, l3mo.cloth, pilt top,silk ribbon book mark,boxed. Price Si 50 with iTundreds of fine engravings by the most eminent Iialiaii .\rList.s. Printed from new plates,madeespceiiiUyforIbisedition, on the bestquality of No. 1 woven paper.Elegantdesign Blamped in gold and ink and bound in extra fine Holliston elotbs of assorted colors. Gilt top,silk ribbon book mark. Boxed. Price Sl-30 Lalf-toue iliusiratlous taken from avtual Oomoiistrations by tUeaulbor,as.sistcd by many eminent physi cians and Hurpeous. Second edition, revised and enlarged and printeei h'om new plates on a superior

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