1901 The Complete Buffet Manual or How to Mix Fancy Drinks by J E Sheridan

riie Ceiilory SosS of Irish Wit atiil Hamor This book is llic cream of all Irish speakci-s. Irish Wit otic Xluinor is a facior in human experience \vl4ich the worltl con ill afi'ord to lose. In his haste to c.vpiess himsvlf in any aoqulrd lauitnafje,not native,the Tnt-taphors yet mixed,and bin ihoagbts are transposed and a reversal of his intended meaning is the re sult. Itimsno superior and doubtless 110 equal. 193 papes. Handsome papereove.rs printed in three colors 25 cts. Red .silk cloth,back and side stamped in gold 50 cts. The f^odsrn firt of Making love Love,Courtship and Matrimony. Somethingeverj- boy and girl, man nnd woman ought to know. Tells how to begin a Court ship, when iiud whom to marry,th" advisability of long and.short courtships, points to be observed iu the sidoetlou of a husband or wife,the secret of pleasing a sweetheart,how to address or wiu the favor of ladles,etc. Also contains a complete system of love telegraphy,handkerchief llirtation, u choice collection of Beoslble love letters, the laugnuga of/lowers,preciousstonesand their signification,etc. Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors ^eta. Red silk cloth,back and side stamped in gold 50 eis. ft. B. C. Giiiile to Correct Coflduct. wSKlnr of etiquette, or Guide to the Duties. Pleasure.s, Dettlls iitid Studies of Life. No part Iu daily conduct has been omitted. The immense popularity of this valuable little book is aite.sted by its enormous sales. It is an inv.aluablo adjunct to anyltoineand will be found exceedingly helpful in the hands of parents and and teachers as well a.s young people of bothsescs. IS4 pages; pocket size. Elegantly bouud in Il.andsome paper covers,printed in three colors.' K cts. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold 50 cts. ft. B. C. Guide to Ball Rofliii Book. This work contains an exhanstive summary of all the fashionable square dances,and a lucid description of the various I'ound dances, waltzes,etc. It also contains complo'e qtiadrltle calls and is especially adapted to the needsof amateurs as well as professionals. Iu brief,it is a. complete guide to I his health ful and beautiful exorcise. HH page.s. Fully illustrated. Handsome paper covers,priuteil in three colors 25 cts. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped iii gold 50 cts. ft.B.C. Guide to Music. ™au the theory and praotlco of the Mu.slcal Art. It containssimple and lilustValed chapters on slniring and oult'vatiou of the voice: full and e.xplicit helps to the piano and organ,short ukL'tches of eminent coinposcrs,and a complcie ditqionary of musical t'qma, etc. The reputation of the .author is such as to rcqmre no in troduction to thepitblic. 161 pages. Fully illustrated. Bound in Handsome p.aper covers, printed in three colors 2.5cts. Bed silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold 50 ctS. Tho Henneberry Company Make Good BookA Send for tbelr complcto cs*>lo8Uo-


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