1901 The Complete Buffet Manual or How to Mix Fancy Drinks by J E Sheridan

The New Century Webster Dictionary The very latest up-to-date; 28,000 words. This edition has been carefully and conscientiously edited, using the work of the great Noah Webster asa basis, and conforming, as near as possible, with the view.s of such eminent philologists and orthcepists as â– Worcester, Whitney, Corbeit and Ayres. It contains clear and concise dcflnitions, correct accentuations, and full markings of all dilBcult â– words, according to the highest authorities. It con tains many new words lately coined and not found in any dic tionary heretofore published; also a larger percentage of root words than any other book of Its kind. Issued in two styles of binding. Size 194 pages. Silk cloth, red edges, indexed 25cts, Full leather, gold edges, indexed BOcts. Bryant's Commercial Business Guide or How to On RllcinoCC ^yC-I'^Bryant.Ph.D. A manual of sclf-instroc- UU DUdllluOtf. tlon and useful information. A compendium of facts, forms, methods and laws for safe conduct of business. It contains facts, figures and general Information, involving law, both State and National, Commerce, Agriculture, Social customs, Mercantile tr.ansactions and calculations, and the rights and wrongs of Civil Life, all In a form carefully designed for practical utility. Eleg.antly bound In Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors 25 cts. Red silk cloth, back and sides stamped in gold 50 cts. Jerome Harrison, ^ 3. This book is in tended strictly as an introduction to the science of which it treats. Theories may and do frequently chauge, but the fads of nature, upon which they are founded are immutable. So we should study the facts and the theories will adjust themselves. Care has been taken to describe mostly such experiments as any student may fierform at'home, with but little expenditure of money. Fully llustrated. Elegantly bound in red silk cloth. Price 50 cts. First Step in Electricity. the requirements of the new code. Each and every chapter of this book has been given as an object lesson many times to clas ses of cblldren averaging sixty in number, and of the ages of ten to sixteen. It will be seen therefore that the experiments are Btmplc and Inexpensive and can be performed at home. Fully lllu.strated. Elegantly bound In handsome silk cloth. Price 60 eta. First lessons in Voltaic ElBctricity. "K G. S. In this valuable little work on Voltaic Electricity, the author has endeavored to explain fully and in a purely descriptive and experimental manner, how to perform these simple experi ments with as little expense as possible. The immense popular ity of this little band book by Prof. Harrison proves the wisdom of his plan. Fully illustrated with carefully prepared cuts. Blegantly bound in handsome silk cloth. Price SO ctfc Tbe Henneberry Company Make Qood Books* Send for their complete catalogue. First Steps in Magnetism.

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