1901 The Complete Buffet Manual or How to Mix Fancy Drinks by J E Sheridan

Herrmann's Conjuringfor Amateurs, t Practical Ventriioquism oughly reliable guide to the Art of Voice Throwing and Vocal Mimicry, Vocal Instrumenta tion, Ventrlloqtiial Figures, Entertaioiag, etc. The long experi ence of the author on the stage and in teaching this wouderfiil art by corre.spondeuce ia conclusive evldcuoe that by a little application to thefuudamental principles laid down iu this book, and by frequent practice after acquiring the two or three simple rules, you can become an adept In the art. Fully illustrated. Elegantly bound In Handsome paper covers printed in three colors 25cts. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold 50 cts. A practical ^ treatise on bow to perform modern triCTka. by Prof. Herrmann. Great care has been exorcised by the author to iuolmle in this book only such trlclcs us have never before appeared in print. This assures the performer a secret and almost endless fund for suitable material to be used on all occasions. With little practice,almost anyone can perfortn tlte more simple tricks, and with practice, as he becomes more adopt,he can perform the most difficult. No book published coutaius a greater variety of material for con jurers and sleiglit-of-hand performers than this book. Coins, cards, silk bat, handkerchiefs, balls, arc all introduced in the many programs offered, thus affording one an endless variety from which to selectfor parlor or stage eutertaiomeuls. Handsome paper covers printed in three colors 25cts. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold 50 ots. Shadow Entertainments. shadows are made and how to work them,so asto produce ex tremely fuouv .situations,thus providing au evening's eutertaiu- ment of a most cnjovable kind. A hundred illustration.s with full description of each has made this book extremely popular. Handsome paper covers printed in three colors 25 ct.s. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped iu gold 50 cts. Keller's Variety Entertainments. of original l.augbable skits on Conjuring, Phyilogtioiny, Jug gling,Performing feats. Wax Works,Panoramas, Phrenology, Phonography, Second Sight, Lightning Calculators, Ventrilo quism, Spiritualism, etc., to which are added Humorous Sketches, Whimsical Recitals, Parlor, Club and Lodge-Room Comedies, Fully illustrated. . Handsome paper covers printed in three colors At cts. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold 50 cts. The Henneberry Company Make Good Books. ieod for their complete catalogue. The Book of Card Tricks and Sleight-of-Hand. By Prof. R.Kimard. There is no book published on this siibjeet that has met with the favor and demand than has this little book of 132 pages. Nearly every card triek known ia fully e.xposed by explicit directions and carefully prepared illustratious. De signed for parlor and stage eiitertsiinmonts by profes.slonals and ntnateur.s who may become experts with a little practice. Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors 25 cts. Rod silk cloth, back and sidesstamped in gold 50 cts.


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