1901 The Complete Buffet Manual or How to Mix Fancy Drinks by J E Sheridan

Complete Buffet Manual, or How to Mix Fancy ftvinl/n Tiie need of ati np-io-d.-ite book,trcatinc on this sub- UllfinS, ject has been a lonfr felt want. We earnestly believe iliat this want is now snppHed by this book, and we trust the reader,if he becomes the practitioner, will enjoy the bevei"a»'CB after following the directions, as much as the author did in prC' paring this bandy little voiume. Handsome paper covers,printed in three colors 25 els. Red ellk cloth, back and side stamped in gold BOcla. Plain Medical Talks For Women and Nursery IrliieAnv By Henry McMurtrle, M.D. Is the most serviceable AuVldCl. book for the home published. The relation of mail to •woman,society,love, marriage, parentage,rules for ])reserving health of married women;directions to pregnant women; an ac count of their diseases with full instructions for the rearing of children from birth, with an account of the diseases of infancy, are a few of tlie leading facts treated in this wonderful book. Enlarged to 3O0 pages, fully illustrated. Handsomely bound in Red silk cloth with gold design on back and side. Price Dr. Hood's Plain Talks and Common Sense Medical Adviser. fsS; ual Relations and Social Natures; embracing Cunlidential Med ical Talks applied to Causes. Prcveution and Cure of Cbi'onic Bi.seases, the Natural Relations of Men and Women to Each Other,Society, Love,Marriage,Parentage,Discase.H of Children, Nursing and Cai'cof the Sick,Domestic Surgery,Materi.a Medica, Hygiene,Skin Disea.ses, etc.,etc. Works on branchea of science other than medicine flow from printing presses in iin increasing Btreain. Bookson STibjects such as Biology, Chcmi.str.v, Astron omy and Political Economy are widely read and freely discussed. Why should nieiliciue alone be monopolized by Us professors and -denied the piiblio ? What an incalculable amount of suffering might be prevented,and bow many lives mightbe lengthened,did a more general acqnuiniauce with the nature of diseases and mode of preventing them exist. This valuable work divulges all the secrct.s known to medic.al science. The book is printed from large,clear type on a superior quality of wove paper, 1,200 pages. Large, 8vo.,cloth. Size,8.vI0, with special cover design.s in colored Inks,marbled edges. Price 85.00 A Compendium of Domestic Medicine Henry McMutrie, M. D. A great family medical adviser and com panion of pocket size, wiHi Illustrations of all essential parts of the human bialy with treatise on all ordin.ary fliseascs. The book is fully illuslraied and contains 2.5ti large bright pages. Hand somely bound, silk cloth with gold design on back and side. Price 75cts. The Henneberry Company Make Good Books. Scod for their complete catalogue

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