1901 The Complete Buffet Manual or How to Mix Fancy Drinks by J E Sheridan



The need of a complete and up-to-date buffet man ual giving full directions for mixing and serving, not merely the new,and therefore popular drinks, but all the old ones as well, was never more needed than at the present time. New names are being applied to old drinks with but slight additions or substitu tions in the mixing or dressing; for this reason a full and complete table of contents is given, thus enabling the reader and mixer to refer instantly to any particu lar drink, beverage or recipe, whether under the old name or one of the newly-applied terms. A chapter on the preliminary methods of prepar ing beverages, including hints, suggestions and in structions as to the necessity for cleanliness and politeness, might not go amis, but since this manual is prepared for the home as well as the buffet, no further time need be occupied in moralizing. In addition to the many excellent toasts suitable for use at all times and In all places, the chapters on Temperance and Invalids' Drinks and the recipes given for making Bitters, Syrups, Cordials, Brandies, Liquors, Ciders, Mineral Waters, Table Beers and Cocktails for Bottling, will be found a valuable and dc-cldedly helpful addition to an up-to-date buffet manual. The author Is under obligations to Arthur Schiller & Co. and to Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. for the many excellent illustrations used in this book.

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