1902 Fancy Drinks by the Bishop and Babcock Company

ABSINTHE. AMERICAN ST^'LE. LARGB BAR GLASS.—Onepony absinthe,two wineglasses water, four dashes gum, %, glass fin® ice. Shake until outside is covered with frost, when strain into sour glass. ABSINTHE. BALTIMORE STYLE. LARGE BAR GLASS.—One pony absinthe,two ponies water,four dashes gum. Fill large cocktail glass to the brim with shaved ice, fill with above, dash cherry cordial on top and serve. ABSINTHE COCKTAIL. LARGE BAR GLASS.—One pony absinthe,one dash anisette, one dash bitters, four dashes gum, one wineglMS water, glass fine ice. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. ABSINTHE. FRENCH STYLE. LARGE BAR GLASS.—Onewineglass absinthe, four dashes gum. Fill dripper with ice water and allow the water to drip slowly into the bar glass until full. ABSINTHE. ITALIAN STYLE. LARGE BAR GLASS.—Three lumps ice, one pony absinthe, pony anisette, three dashes Mar aschino. Fill with ice water, stir slowly and serve in thin glass.


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