1902 Fancy Drinks by the Bishop and Babcock Company

BRANDY PUNCH. LARGB BAR GLASS.—Dissolve three tea spoons fine sugar in enough water,one dash rasp berry syrup, juice of half lemon,fill with fine ice, then pour on one dash rum,]% glasses brandy, put in twoslices orange,piece of pineapple. Shake well, trim with fruit and serve with straws. BRANDY FLOAT. Fill pony with brandyto brim,place dry whiskey glass over it and invert. Fill whiskey glass full of water and withdraw pony slowly, allowing brandy to float on top. BRANDY PONY. PONY GLASS.—Fill glass to rim with best brandy and serve turned upside down in whiskey glass, with ice water on the side. BRANDY AND RUM PUNCH. LARGE BAR GLASS.—yi wineglass rum,^ wineglass Cognac brandy, one tablespoon sugar, juice of lemon,^ wineglass hot water. Shake well, grate nutmeg on top and serve. BRANDY SLING. HOT WATER GLASS.-Dissolve one lump sugar in hot water,one wineglass brandy,fill glass with hot water and grate nutmeg on top. A cold sling can be made by substituting ice and water for hot water.



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