1902 Fancy Drinks by the Bishop and Babcock Company


SHERRY PUNCH. IvARGB BAR GLASS.—One tablespoon su^ar, two dashes lemon juice, two dashes orange juice, fill with fine ice, three wineglasses sherry. Shake well, trim with fruit, serve with straws. SILVER GIN FiZL MIXING GLASS—Twoteaspoonsfinesugar,four dashes lemon juice, white of one egg, fill with fine ice and add one wineglass Old Tom Gin. Shake well, strain into fizzglass, fill with seltzer and serve quick. SODA COCKTAIL. LARGEBAR GLASS.—Oneteaspoon fine sugar, two or three dashes Angostura, five lumps ice, one bottle lemon soda. Stir well and serve -with sUce of orange and berries on top if you wish. STONE FENCE. LARGE BAR GLASS.—One wineglass whiskey, twolumps ice. Fill up with sweet cider and serve. STONE WALL. LARGEBAR GLASS.—Oneteaspoon fine sugar, three lumpsice, one wineglass whiskey or Cognac hrandy, one bottle plain soda. Stir well, remove ice and serve quick. TOM COLLINS. LARGE BAR GLASS.— Threeteaspoons finesu gar, four dashes lemon juice, six lumps ice, one wineglass Tom Gin, one bottle plain soda. Mix with spoon, take out me and serve.

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