1902 Fancy Drinks by the Bishop and Babcock Company


TOM COLLINS BRANDY. LARGE BAR GLASS.—Five dashes gum, two dashes Maraschino, juice of one lemon,two lumps ice, one wineglass brandy, one bottle plain soda. Mix with spoon and serve. TOM GIN COCKTAIL MIXINGGLASS.—Three dashesgum,twodashes Angostura,two dashes curacoa or absinthe, fill with shaved ice, add one wineglass Old Tom Gin. Mix well, strain into cocktail glass, twist lemon peel and serve. TOM AND JERRY. PUNCH BOWL.—Take the whites of as many eggs as desired and beat to a stiff froth, add 1^ teaspoons fine sugar for each egg. Beat the yolks of eggs separate, stir with the whites and beat to a stiff batter, adding two pinches carbonate of soda. Mix frequently so that eggs will not separate. Put two tablespoons of above in mug. add one wineglass brandy, one pony Jamaica Rum, fill with hotmilk and mix well,pouringfrom one cup to another. In serving, grate nutmeg on top. Tom and Jerry can be served cold if wanted, by using cold milk or water instead of hot. VERMOUTH COCKTAIL MIXING GLASS.—glass fine ice, two dashes Angostura,three dashes Orange bitters, one pony Vermouth. Strain and serve in cocktail glass with a cherry.

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