1902 Fox's Bartender's Guide
Sauterne Punch. One teaspoonful powdered sugar.
One slice lemon. One slice orange. One piece pineapple.
Fill g lass with shaved ice. Pour in Sauterne almost to brim ; shake well, dress with berries and ser ve.
Egg Milk. Punch. Use large bar g lass. One teaspoonful of fine white sugar. One wine-glass of brandy. One-quarter wine-glass Santa Cruz rum. One egg. Small lump of ice.
Fill the glass with pure fresh milk, shake the ingredients well together, and strain into a large glass. . Medford Rum Punch. Use large bar glllss. Three-quarter tablespoonful of sugar; dissolve well. Two or three dashes lemon juice. Fill g lass with fine ice. One and one-half glass Medford rum. One dash Jamaica rum. Stir well with spoon. Dress with fruits in season, and serve with straws.
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