1903 Daly's bartenders' encyclopedia

\ glass of water to dissolve sugar. 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice. Fill up the glass with fine ice, the balance with rum ; shake well in a shaker, and serve with straws. AFTER-DINNER COMPANION. with hot black coffee, add one lump of loaf sugar, put in one pony of brandy, ignite and serve in presence of customer. DARK SECRET. pony of gin. 3 dashes of checkerberry. Spoon well, a'nd serve. Among the colored 400 this wins the cake against all competitors. PAWNBROKER'S DELIGHT. Use small china cup. Three-quarters fill Use thin bar glass. I bottle of ice-cold sarsaparilla. I

Use large thin goblet.

I pony of Russian allash. 1 pony of maraschino.

lump of clear ice. no


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