1903 Daly's bartenders' encyclopedia

2 or 3 dashes of raspberry syrup. Half fill with fine ice. Fill with rich, fresh milk. Shake well; pour into straight, thin bar glass ; sprinkle a very small quantity of ground cinnamon on top, and serve. This formula was prepared by a' young lady resident of Rhode Island who wa's in poor health and who had been directed by her physicians at various times to partake of the several ingredients separately; but, as they did not seem to attain the desired effect, she concluded to indulge in all at the same time, the result of which was that she rapidly regained her strength and vigor and was enabled to dispense with the use of medicines and enjoy life as a healthy young person should. The lady in question, learn- ing of the author's intention of publishing this work, very considerately furnished the foregoing formula as a boon to persons who are run down or debilitated; and feels assured, from her personal experience, it will rapidly rebuild a weakened consti- tution.



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