1903 Daly's bartenders' encyclopedia


Use a mixing glass.

i fresh egg. 2 spoonfuls of sugar. \ wine glass of Cognac. \ wine glass of Jamaica rum. Fill the glass with boiling hot milk, stir- ring contents well while adding the milk; grate nutmeg on top, and serve. This drink will be found very beneficial to delicate persons, as it is not only a tonic, but strengthening and, if used regularly, will as- sist very materially in building up the sys- tem. IMPERIAL RUM PUNCH.

4 quarts of Apollinaris water. i pint of claret.

3 pints of Jamaica rum. i pint of Medford rum. i pint of brandy. \\ pounds of sugar. Juice of io lemons.

i pineapple pared and sliced. 4 oranges sliced.

i wine glass of curacoa.

i gin glass of raspberry syrup.


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