1903 Daly's bartenders' encyclopedia

of the following apparently insignificant de- tails, which should be closely followed Always have glass and silverware dry and

polished. See that trays are clean and dry. When dry cocktails are

ordered, never

unless customer es-

use a cherry or


pecially requests it. In squeezing lemons for bar use, strain through fine sieve or cheese-cloth, so that concoction will not appear cloudy. In mixtures where ice is used in serving- glass, care should be exercised to have it clean and clear. Do not fill serving-glass so it will over- flow. Where draught beer and ales are used the pipes should be frequently and thoroughly cleaned, and faucets kept polished. In drinks where limes or lemons are used, extreme caution should be exercised to avoid having seeds in serving-glass. In preparing hot drinks of any description, the serving-glass should be thoroughly

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