1903 Daly's bartenders' encyclopedia


Use a cocktail glass.

Fill with shaved ice. White creme de menthe, little sprig of mint on the side of the glass, small quantity of parfait d'amonr ; serve with straws. Be careful not to serve too cold.

CHAMPAGNE CUP. (For Party of Six).

Use glass pitcher. 2 wine glasses of seltzer. 6 lumps of sugar dissolved in seltzer. i pony glass of benedictine. i pony glass of ma'raschino. i wine glass of brandy (Martel). 3 slices of pineapple. 3 slices of orange. i piece of ice. Take one quart of champagne, pour on top, serve in champagne glasses. For persons accustomed to the good things of life, champa'gne cup is considered the par excellence of all mixtures, and it must be conceded their verdict cannot be contradicted.


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