1903 The Bachelor Book
of Drinks. Be his materials never so numerous and pure,if he lacks skill as a compounder he will succeed only in marring good ingredients and dis appointing a company,to avert which calamity is the mission of this lilliputian tome,wherein maybefound directions for the mixing of divers delectable drinks, with toasts suitable to several occasions in life. And forasmuch as drinking should not be the sole business of our .lives, and that eating also rightly has its place therein,appended hereto aresomedelicious menus proper to be prepared in the Chafing Dish— that admirable culinary utensil of the Ancients, so long barbarously neglected by decadent Moderns,but now happily resuming its rightful position on the tables of good livers,
brandy. In nobler ways,even yet,thou prov'st thy might. When soldiers,strengthened by thy drops of flame. Forget their gory wounds in frantic zeal. And with high souls all thrilling for the fight. Assault dread bastions for their country's fame And lead their flags thro'labyrinths of steel 1
—Francis Saltus,
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