1903 The Bachelor Book


Avant Dejeuner.—To a large glass half- filled with seltzer add a spoonful of sugar,a glass of Moselle,and a dash of portj fill up with ice. The pleasure of digestion is great,the misery of indi gestion is greater. Bachbone=Stiffener.—One teaspoonful of powdered white sugar, one wineglass of rum, one teaspoonful of spices (allspice and cloves not ground), and small piece of fresh butter. Dissolve the sugar in a little boiling water, add the rum, spices, and butter,andfillthe glasstwo-thirdsfullof boiling water. I've hunted down the iron, I've tracked the tiger's spoor, Brain-Duster.—Squeeze into a tumbler the juice of a lime,and add to it two dashes of gum,one pony of absinthe,two dashes of vino vermouth,and two dashes of sherry. Fill up with ice, stir, strain, and serve. There are prisons for those who do what is not legal, But they who flout nature escape—thanks to Scigel. Capel Court Cider Bowl.—Peel a lemon or orange very thin j infuse the rind in a cup of boiling water in a bowl? add some borage leaves, some cucumber slices, some sprigs of balm, half-a- pound of sugar,one pint of sherry, and two bottles of cider. Put the bowl on ice and serve. The thousand bubbles that rise in the glass I've used the shooting-iron Todrop my brother Boer. I've scrambled up the Andes, I've roughed it in the Bay- But that's nothing to the snakes That the soda drives away.

Are a thousand troubles to come, So lift your hand and tip your glass And drown them every one.

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