1903 The Bachelor Book


put the sugar into the water,and squeeze the juice of three lemons; cover well? let it get cool, place it on ice, add a bottle of Rhine wine,a quart of rum,and, just before serving,a bottle of champagne and half a bottle of seltzer. Wcshall never be younger than we are tO'day. Ladies' Delight.—Into a large glass put a little seltzer, a spoonful of fine sugar, half a wine- glassful of sherry, half a wineglassful of port, and one dash of brandy. Mix well. Fill up the glass with shaved icej ornament with orange and pine apple,and top it with ice-cream. Serve with a spoon. He who seeks not the dames to please Should be condemned to diej Though no man has succeeded yet. All men should daily try. Ladies' Hot Punch.—A hot glass half fuU of boiling water, with two lumps of sugar, well dissolved. Add half small glass of sherry and half small glass port, well mixed; one slice of orange and a little nutmeg on top.

From out ol the land of the Dollar and Eagle No better thing comes than the Syrup of Seigel.

Maiden's Kiss.—One- fifth of maraschino, one fifth of creme de roses,one-fifth of white curacao,one-fifth of yel low chartreuse, and one-fifth of benedictine.

The origin ofthe Bumper according to Ourselves.

Come hither,sweet maiden,come hither to me. And bring of good wine a full measure with thee. And give me a kiss for the kiss I'll give thee. And do not deceive,and I'll not deceive thee.

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