1903 The Bachelor Book


IVhisKy CocKtail.—Into half a glassful of fine ice squeeze a little lemon peel,to which add three dashes of gum, two dashes of bitters, one dash of absinthe,and one small glass of whisky. Stir well, strain,and serve. "Wine and youth are fire upon fire."—Fielding. WhisKy Sling.—Into a goblet containing a little fine ice put two dashes of gum and one wine- glassful of whisky. Stir well,strain, and serve. '"Twill make the widow's heart to sing though the tear be in her eye."—Burns, Whist.—Half an ounce of Pekoe tea is infused in one pint of boiling water} pour the tea through a hair-sieve upon one pound of sugar; squeeze the juice of six lemons,and mix all with three quarts of Bordeaux; heat without boiling,and serve in glasses. « Wine is a noble, generous liquor, and we should be humbly thankful for it. But never forget that water ^ made first."—John Eliot- 'was

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