1903 The Bachelor Book
30 For let'em be clumsy,or let'em be slim. Young or ancient,I care not a feather; So fill a pint bumper quite up to the brim. So fill up your glasses, nay,fill to the brim And let us e'en toast them together. Let the toast pass,&c. Arid if all these toasts your health should affect If these bumpers your wits should inveigle Your joyful carouse,sir, none shall detect ' If wisely next day you repair your defect With a few timely doses of Seigel.
Let the toast pass, &c.
Little men in big places enjoy the advantages of some fleas.
SCOTCH WHISKY. How rare is thy rich, passion-giving worth, When,weary of full many a Scottish mile, One rests,and stirs thee with a knowing smile In some dim inn of Edinburgh or Perth 1 Gods must have drunk thee at their wondrous birth. For in thee there is laughter and no guile. And they,enraptured from some heavenly aisle Perchance have given thee to this sorrowing earth. —Francis Salius.
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