1903 The Bachelor Book
CHOICE CHAFING DISH MENUS. Bacon and Liver.—Cook thin slices of bacon in the hot blazer. Take out the bacon upon a warm platter. Cut the liver in thin slices, and lay them in cold salted water for ten minutes. Drain them,season them with salt and pepper, and roll them in a mixture of cornmeal and flour. Cook them in the hot bacon fat. Make a gravy by stirring a tablespoon of flour in the pan after taking out the liver, and then adding a cup of water or milk. A little Worcestershire sauce may be added. He that waits upon fortune is never sure of a dinner. Beef Broth.—Two cups of chopped beef,two cups oftepid water, half teaspoon of salt, and a little pepper. Have round steak freed from fat and skin. Add tepid water and salt. Let it slowly heat in the blazer over hot water. Put cold water in the pan,and turn the lamp low so the meat may heat very slowly. Do not let it boil. When the bits of meat are white, showing that the juice has been ex tracted, dip them out with a wire spoon. Be careful to leave the soft brown flakes in the broth, for they are the nutritious part of the meat. Seigel's Syrup makes every dish a feast.
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