1903 The Bachelor Book

40 Brown 5auce.— One tablespoon of butter, one tablespoon of flour, one teaspoon of onion juice, two cups of beef stock. Cook the onion, butter and flour until it is brown, add the stock, and season the gravy. Beef extract and water may be used instead of stock. •'The proofofgold is fire; the proof of woman,gold ; the proof of man,a woman." Cheese Fondu.—Two cups of cheese,one cup :of bread crumbs. One cup of milk,three eggs, one tablespoon of butter, one saltspoon of salt] one saltspoon of soda,and a little red pepper. Break the cheese in small pieces and stir in the melted butter. Mix the beaten eggs, milk and bread crumbs,and gradually add them to the melted cheese. Ay, that's the cheese-the indigestible digestive. Cheese Souffle.—Three cups of cheese, two eggs,one saltspoon of soda, one saltspoon of salt, one saltspoon of mustard,one tablespoon of butter, half cup of hot water,one teaspoon of Worcestershire, one teaspoon of lemon juice,and a little red pepper. Melt the butter in the blazer over the hot water. Put in the cheese, broken in small pieces, and add the seasoning. Dissolve the soda in the water, and gradually pour it in the melting cheese! Beat the eggs separately until very light. Add a little cold water to the yolk, while beating, and stir them into the cheese. As soon as it is smooth and creamy,put in the Worcestershire and lemon juice. Whip in the white ofthe egg last. Serve at once,on toast. "They are as sick that surfeit with too much as they that starve with nothing."SAai-es/iearc.

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