1903 The Bachelor Book


Creamed Codfish.—Put salt codfish over the fire in cold water. Take from the water as soon as it begins to boil and shred it. To one cup of fish add one cup of white sauce made without salt. Cold fresh fish may be creamed by picking it fine and adding white sauce. "Let not your pocket curse your appetite but if it does, thirty drops of Seigel's Syrup, after meals, will mend your internal plumbing. Creamed Eggs.—Six hard boiled eggs and two cups of parsley sauce. Slice the eggs and add them to parsley sauce. Clear eyes,full red lips, sweet breath and steam in your bulk are produced by the Seigel habit after meals. Half-a-teaspoonful in a sherry glass of water. Creamed Lobster.—One lobster, yolks of two eggs, two cups of white sauce. Cut lobster very fine. To white sauce add the beaten egg diluted with one-fourth cup milk or cream. Shrimp and crab may be prepared the same. After a night of "strenuousity" and over-feeding, Seigel's Syrup after meals will help you to explain yourself in the morning.

Creamed Mushrooms.— Cook small mushrooms for ten minutesin a little salted water. Drain them and add white sauce.

Alone and unseen they spring up in the night, But with me they depart as rapidly quite Ifthe choosing, and cooking, and serving are right.

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