1903 The Bachelor Book
Frogs'Legs.—Boilthem five minutesin water to which a tablespoon of lemon juice has been added. Take them from the hot water, pour cold water over them,and wipe them dry. Put two tablespoons of butter in the blazer, and cook them fifteen minutes with the pan covered. Reduce the heat, so they will not burn. They may be rolled in egg and fine bread or cracker crumbs. Serve with white sauce. He that is rich need not live sparingly; be that can live sparingly need not be rich. Hashed Brown Potatoes.—Two cups of chopped potato, one tablespoon of butter, one tablespoon of flour, salt and pepper. Mix the butter and flour in the blazer. When it is melted,add the chopped potato (cold boiled), stir the potato until it is thorougly heated,then allow it to cook without stirring until it is brown. Turn the potato on a hot plate,brown side up. To know how to eat well is a third part of wisdom. Lobster a la Newburg—One lobster,one cup of cream, red pepper, two tablespoons of butter, yolks of three eggs, three tablespoons of sherry, salt. Cut one large or two small lobsters in small slices. Cut with a silver knife. Put it in the blazer with the butter. Season with salt and a dash of red pepper,and pour over the sherry. Cover the pan and cook five minutes. Mix the beaten eggs with the cream,and pour it on the lobster. Serve as soon as it boils. Shrimp and hard- shelled crab may be prepared the same. Seigel's Syrup prevents indigestion.
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