1903 The Bachelor Book


in the hot butter. In a moment they will be a delicate brown; turn them and brown the other side. Theycook very quickly,and should be eaten at once. "A little bouse well fill'd,a little field well tili'd,and a little wife well willed,are great riches/ White Sauce.—One tablespoon of butter, one tablespoon of flour, yolks of two eggs, two cups of milk, white pepper and salt. Put the butter in the blazer over hot water. When it melts stir in a rounding tablespoon of flour. Cook for about three minutes. Pour in the milk and season to taste. Stir the sauce constantly until it is smooth and creamy. Add the yolks of the eggs, diluted with a little cream.

In the Dog°Days.—When the dog-days arc in blast and you feel like a bursted cycle tyre—self-weary and sick of everything and everybody—a little Seigel's Syrup will tone you up to concert pitch,and not let you down with a soft,dull thud. It is the greatest tonic ever made of fruits> roots and herbs.

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