1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
The Complete Buffet Guide, or
7 lbs. refined sugar. 8 pts . distilled water. Dissolve the sugar in the water over a gentle fire CLOVE SYRuP. 30 drops of quintessence of cloves. r lb. simple syrup. Mix by shaking up well together in a bottle. ORANGE SYRUP. 2 oz. tincture of orange peel. r lb. simple syrup . Mix. SYRUP OF NECTAR. 30 drops essence of nectar. r lb. simple syrup. Mix. The proportion of 30 parts of sugar to 16 parts of water also makes an excellent syrup . . It is worth adding that it will be found best to em– ploy only the best refined sugar, and filtered water, soft as possible. By so doing it often saves the trouble of clarification, which invariably becomes necessary when inferior ingredients are used. The best plan is to pour the water cold over the sugar and let it slowly melt; and, when saturated ,_ boil it up to the boil by a gentle heat , and t_hen keep simmering to the point desired . PINEAPPLE SYRUP. Add 1 ounce essence of pineapple to 1 gallon white syrup and half ounce tartaric acid.
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