1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis

The Complete B4fet G'Uide, or



I drachm oil of aniseed. 1 drachm oil of cloves. 1 drachm essential oil of nutmegs. 20 drops oil of cinnamon. 30 drops oil of juniper.

Mix all the oils together, shaking well occasionally for a day or so; then dissolve them in rectified spirit (60 0. P.), one pint; colored with burned sugar, one ou~ce; and add to each, syrup and boiling water, twelve pints . Mix all together thoroughly and fine with alum, etc. RUM SHRUB. ?{ gallon bitter orange juice. 8 lbs. refined sugar. 17{ gallon rum, reduced to 40 U. P. Dissolve the sugar in the juice by aid of a gentle heat, mix this and the rum together, shake up well and set aside to clear. If not bright in a fortnight fine down with isinglass.


DRAUGHT LEMONADE, OR LEMON SHERBET. S lemons, sliced. 4 oz. lump sugar. 1 qt. boiling water. Very fine.

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