1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
The Complete Bu ff et Giiide, or
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Fill the tumbler full with shaved ice, the balance with water, and ornament with fruits in season. LEMONADE. (Fine for parties.) Rind of 2 lemons. Juice of 3 large lemons. ·Rub some of the sugar in lumps on two of the lemons until they have imbibed all the oil from them, and put it with the remainder of the sugar into a jug; add the lemon juice (but no pips), and pour over the whole a quart of boiling water. When the sugar is dissolved strain the lemonade through a piece of muslin, and, when cool, it will be ready for use. The lemonade will be much improved by having the white of an egg beaten up with it; a little sherry mixed with it also makes this beverage much nicer. HOT LEMONADE. (Use large bar glass.) r tablespoon sugar; U a lemon, squeezed well; fill the glass with hot water; stir well, and serve. Pour a little hot water into the glass, and shake around it before making the drink to prevent the glass from cracking. U lb. of loaf sugar. r qt. boiling water.
ORANGE LEMONADE~ (Use large bar glass.)
~ glass shaved ice 2 tablespoonfuls powdered sugar.
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