1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
How to }/Ii x A ll J( inds of Drinks.
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RASPBERRY, STRAWBERRY, CURRANT OR ORANGE EFFERVESCING DRAUGHTS. Take one quart of the juice of either of the above fruits, filter it, and boil it into a syrup, with one pound of powdered loaf or pulverized sugar. To this add one ounce and a half of tartaric acid. When cold put into a bottle and keep it well corked. When required, fill a half-pint tumbler three-parts full of water, and add two tablespoonfuls of the syrup. Then stir in briskly a small t easpoonful of carbonate of soda. The color may be improved by adding a small portion of cochineal to the syrup at the time of boiling. Let the powders be very dry. Mix them intimately . and keep them for use in a wide-mouthed bottle closely corked. Put two good-sized teaspoonfuls into a tumbler; pour in half a pint of cold water, stir briskly, and drink off. SODA NECTAR. 2 dashes lime juice. Juice of 1 lemon. ~ glass of water. Powdered sugar to taste. ~small teaspoonful carbonate of soda. Strain the juice of the lemon, and add it to the SHERBET. 10 oz. carbonat e of soda. 8 oz. tartaric acid. 3 lbs. loaf sugar, finely powdered. 4 dr. essence of lemon.
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