1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis

How to Mix A ll ](inds of Drinks .

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3 qts . molasses . Pour boiling water on the above and let it stand twenty-four hours; strain and add half pint yeast. It will be ready in twenty-four hours.


2 oz. hops. 2 oz. chips of the sassafras root. 1 0 gallons water. Boil 20 minutes; strain and pour m while hot 1 gallon molasses. 2 tablespoons essence of spruce. 2 tablespoons essences of ginger. 1 tablespoon essence of ground allspice. Put it in a keg, and when cold add r quart yeast ; after standing 24 hours draw it off or bottle it.


2 oz. sweet fern. 1 oz. sarsaparilla. 7f oz. wintergreen. 1 oz. sassafras.

2 oz. prince's pine. 2 oz. comfrey root. 2 oz. burdock root. 1 oz. nettle. 1 oz. Solomon's seal.

4 oz. black birch. 4 oz. raw potatoes. 4 gals. water. Chop the potatoes up fine and boil together 6 hours .

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