1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
How to Nlix A ll Kinds of Drinks.
CURACAO. 6 oz. orange peel, cut small. I drachm cinnamon. ~ drachm mace, bruised. 1 drachm saffron. U gallon spirits of wine (14 U. P .). 2 pints capillaire.
Macerate all together; in about twenty-one days draw off the liquor through a strainer, and press the residue so as to recover any of the liquor it may have retained; mix both liquors, and filter through flannel. INVALIDS' DRINKS. APPLE WATER. (The same for any of the fruits, viz.: pears, peaches, plums, French prunes, figs, raisins, rhubarb, etc.) Boil a large juicy apple, (pared, cored and cut into pieces) in a pint of water in a close-covered saucepan, until the apple is stewed into a pulp. Strain the liquor, pressing all the juice from the pulp. Sweeten to taste. Sometimes · these fruit– waters are made with rice or barley water. To be drank cold. BARLEY WATER. Add to a pint of boiling water half a tablespoonful (half an ounce) of barley , rubbed smooth, with two tablespoonfuls of cold water; add also a pinch · of salt and a tablespoonful of sugar. Let it boil five
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