1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis

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How to 'fllf. ix A ll I( inds of Drinks.

10 pounds crushed sugar. Dissolve sugar in the water. Heat all to 100 de– grees Fahrenheit. Pour into a 10-gallon keg, put in a warm place, keep it constantly full. After fermenting, strain and pn:ss; add one gallon spirits, 95 per cent above proof; fine or filter, and bottle when clear. 3 gallons water. 3 pounds sugar. 4 ounces Jamaica ginger. Boil one hour. Strain. Add 3 lemons chopp~d fine, and half a pint of yeast. Mix together and pour into a keg. After it has fermented 1 week, draw it; it is ready for use. GRAPE WINE. Pick over carefully, thoroughly ripe grapes, free from stems and blemishes, press out the juice; to one quart of juice add one quart of W1'ter, (~oft, boiled water is bes't), add 1)1 pounds sugar. Atter it is done fermenting, bung up tight. It will be ready to draw off in 3 months or sooner, but will be a far better wine in a year, if left unmolested until then. .GINGER WINE.


18 pounds of sweet parsnips. 3 gallons of water.

Boil together soft, press liquor through:.. sieve, add to each gill 3 pounds loaf sugar; when nearly cold

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