1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
How to Mix A ll Kinds of Drinks .
sU gallons water. U gallon plain syrup. 1 pint peach jelly.
U gill extract ginger. r lemon cut in slices. 30 drops oil of nutmeg. 1 drachm powdered allspice. S pints water. Strain through filter.
RASPBERRY BRANDY. roU gallons pure spirits, 95 per ~ent. above proof.
18 gallons water. 7 gallons syrup. 18 gallons raspberry juice. 1 oz. tartaric acid. Color with caramel or burned sugar.
JUNIPER BRANDY. Dissolve~ drachm oil of juniper in 1 quart of pure spirit or brandy; add U lb. of sugar, dissolved in 1 quart of water. LEMON BRANDY. Steep the thin peels of 6 lemons and 2 bitter al– monds in 1 quart of brandy, macerate 2 wooks, adding U pint of water, and 1 lb. of loaf sugar.
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