1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
T oasts and After Dinner Speeches
Champagn e for our real friends and real pain for our sham friends. Home- T.he place where you are treated best and grumble most. Drink no longer water, but use a litt le wme for the stomach's sake. In climbing the hill of prosperity ·may you never meet a fri end.
May the hinges of friendship never grow rusty.
Our Country-May she always be in t he right; but our country, right or wrong_.-Decatur. May we have more friends and n eed them less and les:-:;.
May we always look upon t h e faults of others with the same eye we look upon our own.
Let u s have wine and women , mirth and laughter.
We will not ask her name.-By ron .
Chess-like, a successful courtship ends by mating.
Here"s to our wives and sweetheart s ; may they n~ver meet.
In poker, like a glass of b eer, you draw to fill.
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