1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
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T oasts and A fter Dinner S peeches
Then fi ll to-night, with heart s as light, To love as gay and fleeting As bubbles that swim on the beaker 's brim And break on t he lips while meeting . "Well, " murmur ed one, " let ~hoso make make or buy ,
But fill me with t he old familiar juice. My clay with long oblivion is one dry , Methinks I m ight recover by and by .''
The Physician-Alt h ough professedly a good man t h e worse people are, t h e more h e is with ·t hem.
THE MAI NE . A mighty n ation moufns t hee yet; Thy gallant crew-their awful fate; An d Justice points her finger straigh t , Lest we forget-lest we forget ! Drink t o-day and drown all sorrow ;· You sh all perhaps not do't to-morrow ; Best while y ou h ave it , use your breath; There is no drinking after deat h .
Home- The father 's kingdom; t he child 's par a– dise ; t h e mother 's world. H ere's t o t h ose I love ; Her e 's t o t h ose wh o love me ; Here 's t o t hose \vh o love t hose I love, And h er e 's t o t.h ose who love t h ose who love t hose wh o love me.
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