1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis


Toasts and A ft er Dinner Speeches

The soldiers of America, Their arms our defense , our arms t heir reward; F all in, men, fall in. The American Navy- May it ever sail on a ::;ea of glory. Discretion in speech is more t han eloquence. May we always r emember these three things: The manner, the place and t h e time.

Here's a sigh to those wh o love me, And a smile to those wh o h at e, And wh at ever sky 's above me, Her e's to t he heart for every fate. Vlere't t h e last drop in t he well– As I gasped upon the brink , Ere my fainting spirit fell, 'Tis to t hee that I would drink.

Here's h eatlh to t he girl who will drink when she can; Here's h ealth to the girl who will " rush t he t in can," And h ealth to the girl wh o can dan ce the can-can– 'Tis the canny toast of an uncanny man. Here 's to t he maiden of bashful fifteen· Her e's to the widow of fift y ; Here 's t o the fl aunting, ext ravagant queen , And h ere's to the h ousewife that's t hrifty ! Let t h e t oast _pass ; Drink to the lass ; I 'll warrant sh e'il prove an excuse for t he glass.

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