1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
Toa sts and A ft er Dinner Speeches
The Ma n We Love-He who thinks 11".ost good an speaks less ill of hi s neighbor.
Here's healt h to Columbia, t he prid e of the earth. The stars and stripes-drink the land of our birth! Toast the army and n avy who fought for our cause, Who conquered and won us our freedom and laws . Here's to the day (Thanksgiving) when first the Yankees Acknowledged Heaven's good gifts with Thank'ees. May friendship, like wine, improve as time advances and may we always h ave old wine, old fri ends , and young car es. Whene'er with friends I drink Of one I always think. She's pretty, sh,e's witty, and so true; So with joy and great delight I'll drink to her to-night , And when doing so think none the less of y ou! You may run the whole gamut of color and shade, A pretty girl-however you dress h er- Is the prettiest thing that ever was made, And the last one is always the prettiest, Bless her!
May we never murmur without cause, and never have cause to murmur.
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