1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
Toasts· a.nd A fter D1:nner Speeches
Toasts of love to t he timid clove Are always going 'round ; Let min e be heard by the untamed bird And make your glasses sound. Yesterday 's yest erday while to-day 's here, To-day is to-day till to-morrow appea r, To-morrow's t o-morrow until to-day's past, And kisses are kisses as long as t hey last.
THE CHATTERBOX . May he give us a few brilli ant fl ashes of silen ce.
Through this t oilsqme world , alas, Once, an d only once we pass, If a kindness we may show, If a good deed we may do To our suffering fellow-men, Let us do it, for 'tis plain, We shall not pass t his way again. Let's be gay while we may , And seize love wit h laughter. n1 be true, as long as you, A;nd not a moment after.
Here's to the man who loves his wife, And he loves his wife alone. For many a m an loves another man's wife, When he ought to be loving his own
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