1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis

Toasts and A fter Dinner Speeches


The Memory of Gen. Thomas Francis Meagher-A martyr to the cause of American liberty: May his blood constitute an enduring cement of friendship be-· tween the land of his birth and the land of his adoption_ Ireland and America-May the former soon be as free as the latter, and may the latter never forget that Irishmen were instrumental m securing_the liberty ·they now enjoy. Andrew Jackson, Ex-President of the United States _:_The son of Irish Parents in retiring from office, we may justly say in the words of the poet- "An honest man's the noblest work of God." The Descendants of Irishmen-May they never for– get the respect which they owe to the land which contains the ashes of their fathers. The .Heart of an Irishman-A living monument of the kind and generous feelings-while the hand of Charity guides the stream, may the hand of Wealth yield a perpetual supply. Irishmen-The love of libexty will bum in their bosoms as long as their bright isle is washed 1?Y the ocean. The Emerald Isle-May her sons and daughters resemble a field of potatoes in full bloom, beautiful .to look upon; and when called on t o assist the distress-

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