1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
Toasts ·and A fter Di nner Speeches
What can we wish but faithful knight ? To every faithful lover too, What can we wish but lady true ? And knowledge t o the studious sage, And pillow soft to head of age."
Merit to gain a heart, and sense to keep it.
Money to him that has the spirit to use it.
More friends and less need of them.
May those who deceive us, be always deceived.
l\Iay the sword of justice be swayed by the hand of m,ercy.
May the. brow of the brave never want a wreath.
May .we be slaves to nothing but our duty , and friends to nothing but real merit. May he that turns his back on his friend, fal1 into the hands of his enemy . lVIay honor be the commander when love takP.s the field. May reason guide the helm when passion blows the gale. · May those who would enslave become slaves them– selves.
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