1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
Tlie Complete Buffet Guide, or
Juice of half a lemon . 1 or 2 dashes of the white of an egg. 1 wine-glass of Bourbon or rye whisky . .U glassful of shaved ice. Shake well ; strain in t o a fizz g1::i.ss ; fill it with Seltzer, Apollinari5 or Vichy . Serve.
BRANDY FLIP. (Use large ba r glass.)
~ fill glass with shaved ice. ยท r fresh egg, thoroughly beat en. ~ tablespoonful powdered sugar. r wine-gl ass brandy . Use the shaker in mixing; strain into a fancy bar glass; grate a li:ttle nutmeg on top; serve. GIN FLIP. (Use large bar glass.) 2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar; dissolve in a little water. r wine-glass Holland gin. Fill glass half full sh aved ice ; shake well, and strain into a fancy glass and ser ve.
GLASGOW FLIP. (Use large bar glass.)
Beat r egg thoroughly. Add the juice of r lemon. 2 t easpoonfuls powder ed sugar. Balance cold ginger ale. Stir well and serve.
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